
How To Draw Metal Gear Ray

Top 10 best first bosses!

The first boss of any game has an important job. They are meant to set a tone for what is to come and serve as a tutorial for players who are still adjusting to the game's mechanics. As such first bosses tend to be quite easy, laughably so in some cases. Sometimes games can go astray and have a first boss that is far to challenging in an unfair manner, such as Deus Ex Human Revolution's first boss. These first bosses that I bring to you are not bad. They all serve a purpose and serve it well, whether that be easy, a challenge or serve a more passive role in the series, these are my top 10 first bosses that I think are the best.  One rule is that no two entries can come from the same series.  Finally, as always, this is my opinion, you are free to agree or disagree, but respect my opinion and I will respect yours in return.

10 - Garland - Final Fantasy

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Garland is a very simple boss. Being the first ever final fantasy boss is what gets him a spot on this list. Inherently there is nothing special about Garland. He is simply just a hard-hitting physical attacker with decent hit points for the point of the game he is in. Once your party's average level exceed level 5 Garland is a pushover. He has no special abilities to speak of. What makes him special is that Garland was the start of a legacy, a first impression for the many bosses to come. The original Final Fantasy was going to be Square's final game, luckily this was not the case. So, Garland has secured the number 10 spot not for a intense or unique fight, but for being the start of one of the game industries largest franchises.


9 – Doctor Robotnik's Flame Craft – Sonic 3

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Another simple boss. This boss was the first boss fight I ever fought. After setting the entire first level on fire and pursuing Sonic with a massive airship, Robotnik chases Sonic and Tails down to a cliff in front of a waterfall. Robotnik will destroy the bridge to the cliff and then proceed to shoot fireballs at Sonic and Tails. He will duck behind the waterfall to move around, only emerging to fire. He leaves plenty of windows to hit him and is overall a very easy boss. If Sonic has the flame shield this boss becomes almost impossible to lose against. What puts this boss on the list is its nostalgic impression it has left on me.


8 - King Bomb-omb – Super Mario 64

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The first boss of the first 3D Mario game. King Bomb-omb is a simple foe. In fact, he has no direct means of harming Mario other than throwing him off the mountain. This boss serves as a tutorial to fighting larger enemies and has a weakness similar to Bowsers. All you need to do is get behind him, pick him up and throw him. Just make sure you don't throw him off the mountain or the battle resets. Yeah, its ok for him to throw you off but you can't throw him off, what a villain. King Bomb-omb falls into the same category as Garland does, as in it was the start of something. Being the first 3D Mario boss, king Bomb-omb secures a spot on this list.


7 – Darkside - Kingdom Hearts 1

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The first boss of kingdom hearts is the giant Darkside Heartless. The Darkside is one of the most recurring bosses in the series. What puts it on the list is that it is a great tutorial boss. The Darkside is not very difficult to defeat, even the souped up end game version is not very hard either. Its attacks are simple and easy to read and avoid. It does not have a complicated or many dangerous moves and those that are dangerous can be seen coming a mile away. The Darkside is a great way to introduce the combat mechanics of Kingdom Hearts and also serves as a lesson on how to deal with big bosses.


6 - Cleric Beast - Bloodborne

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The Cleric beast is an optional boss but can be the first boss the player will encounter in Bloodborne. Most players who are aware of the beast will opt to challenge it first, as the other boss, father Gascoingne is INCREDIBLY difficult for new players. The Cleric beast is not easy, but it is forgiving in some ways. It serves as a tutorial for players to get used to fighting big monsters. The other boss serves as to how to fight human foes. The Cleric beast has a dynamic entrance and an intimidating presence. It will howl and trash about on the bridge. Luckily, it is not extremely strong, you will be able to survive a hit or two from this thing in the early game. Its limbs break easily, and it can be stunned for massive damage. The Cleric beast is one of the easiest bosses in Bloodborne, but it is no cakewalk so be prepared.


5 - Gohma - Ocarina of Time

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Gohma, like Garland and King Bomb-omb is a historically critical boss fight. Being the first 3D Zelda boss, Gohma does a good job in setting the standards for what's to come. Gohma is a simple boss with only a few moves and is overall not very difficult. In fact, a more skilled player can down her in a manner of seconds. What makes her great is that her boss is a solid early game fight, pitting the young and small Link against a much bigger foe. She has a specific weakness that can be exploited to stun her, and she is moderately built up before the actual fight. Gohma is by no stretch difficult, and yet she can be a pretty fun boss to fight against.


4 - Iudex Gundyr - Dark Souls 3

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Gundyr is arguably the hardest boss on this list. He is fought very early in Dark Souls 3 and sets the stage of what is to come. He is encountered so early that the player will not yet be able to level up. This means he must be fought at the default starting level. Gundyr is a two-stage boss fight, with his first phase he is essentially a large human foe. His attacks are slow, and he seems to be a bit sloppy, but will punish players who overextend their attacks. He has a long reach as well, so he will test a player's defense. If there is a flaw in your defense, he will relentlessly pummel you. His second stage involves him transforming into a large black mass. In this form he is even fiercer. His attacks cover a wider range and he does more damage. This boss will test you severely and may cause some to quit all together.


3 - Poseidon - God of War 3

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Poseidon is a very cinematic boss. He sets the stage for God of War 3 nearly flawlessly and pulls out all the stops. The first boss is the god of the sea, a giant made of water riding upon a watery horse like creature. Armed with his signature trident, you fight him upon the moving body of the titan Gaia. Multiple stages and an assortment of lesser enemies to pester Kratos. After multiple stages and some brutal beat downs, Poseidon is finished off in a very over the top manner and it sets the tone for what is to come. You know I would feel sorry for Poseidon if he were…well a good person.  But let's be honest, Poseidon was NOT a good person.


2 - Metal Gear Ray - Metal Gear Rising

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Now this is a cinematic boss fight. The whole Metal Gear line is designed to be nearly unstoppable war machines, with Ray being introduced in the same game as Raiden. So, for a metal gear to appear in the opening level was crazy, what's even more crazy is how it is fought. Within the first 10 minutes of the game you are throwing a 70-foot-tall robot into the air, jumping on it and slicing its arm off to the amazing song 'rules of nature'. Eventually it returns to defeat Raiden after seemingly being destroyed, and the epic battle continues. Raiden rides a missile and runs down a vertical wall to ultimately cut it in half. This boss perfectly sets the stage of the truly epic gameplay that is Revengence.


1 - Toriel - Undertale

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Toriel is the first main boss of Undertale. She is not fought immediately, and in fact she serves as a mentor of sorts to the player. A bond is formed and depending on what type of run you are going for, she will either be killed or sparred. Many players killed her on accident, not understanding the games mechanics. What makes this boss great is that unlike all the other bosses on this list, this boss has an emotional connection with the player. She is surprisingly difficult for new players, with a somewhat sporadic pattern. If she is sparred, then she will let the player go. If she is killed she will show sorrow… However, if she is killed in a no mercy run, she laughs manically and dies. So, what will you do? Spare her or not? FYI – Napstablook is a mini-boss, Toriel is the first main boss.


Well, those are my top 10 personal favorite first bosses. They all served their purpose well. Tune in next time when we will be looking at some more weapon specialist! See you then!

# video games# boss battle# garland# final fantasy# Dr. Robotnik# Eggman# sonic# super mario# heartless# kingdom hearts# bloodborne# gohma# the legend of zelda# ocarina of time# Gundyr# dark souls# poseidon# god of war# metal gear ray# raiden# metal gear rising# toriel# undertale

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How To Draw Metal Gear Ray


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