How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gamingStacey Hartman December 21, 2020

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In our current age of increasing automation and the need for secure and reliable data storage, there's a case to be made for building your own server. Nowadays, the barrier to entry on building a server is lower than ever.

The benefits of having ultimate control over your data can be enough of an incentive to overcome the technical jump needed to configure a private server.

From the ability to configure your own personal data backup system to storing security footage securely, having your own server can be extremely useful. These benefits apply for both personal use and for businesses.

But what type of server do you need? Should you build and host your server locally? Or is a hosted option a better fit for your needs?

In a hurry? Check out our synopsis!

Why having your own server is beneficial

Backup services are everywhere nowadays and it's becoming cheaper and easier than ever to take advantage of automated backup systems.

But along with the proliferation of providers comes a glut of bad actors looking for a way into that stored data.

Those bad actors have been fairly successful in recent years as well. Data breaches exposed over 4.1 billion records in the first six months of 2019 alone.

With your own server setup, you have the ability to securely configure your own private server, away from the crowds of bad actors. You also have full control over your data and access to that data.

Additionally, in many cases, running your own server can be less expensive than using comparable backup providers.

Where you decide to host your server — locally or through a server provider — will depend on both your needs for that server and your technological comfort level.

For example, if you're looking to create a media server for your household, that's something that can be a very useful home server application.

However, if you're looking to have a server that others outside of your household are able to access, a home server may not be powerful or secure enough to meet that requirement.

Home server considerations

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

What are some ideal home server uses?

Home servers can be used to back up your own media (home movies, pictures, important documents, etc), create your own gaming server (games like Minecraft are perfect for this), or creating your own media server (using services such as Plex).

To build a server locally, you will need a basic understanding of computer and networking concepts, which are fundamental to managing any kind of server.

Specifically, you should be comfortable and familiar with:

  • Using the command line
  • Networking (IP, DHCP, ports)
  • Your system configuration
  • Your network configuration
  • Your router configuration (for home setups)

For most configurations, a desktop computer with an ethernet connection (not WiFi) is all you'd really need in order to set up a functional server at home. So the hardware requirement is fairly minimal.

However, you need to be aware that hosting any kind of server from your home that you're able to reach from outside your network means you're exposing your home network to the world.

Additionally, you'll need to keep in mind that your server will likely be running 24/7, so you'll need to factor in electricity, data caps and bandwidth consumption on your internet.

Interested in getting started on a home server?

The setup process is going to depend on what you're planning to use your server for, but there are many helpful guides online to get you started.

Hosted server considerations

With hosted servers, you're paying a company to maintain the server hardware and uptime (this includes speed, bandwidth, etc.) for you.

You'll need to pay a monthly or annual fee, but you won't have to deal with the hassle of managing the server hardware yourself or worrying about unexpected data loss.

You also won't need to be as technical, since the hosting provider would be handling the hardware setup for you.

A GoDaddy Virtual Private Server is a good fit if you're just getting started. Just keep in mind that a virtual server means that you're sharing hardware with other server users, so you'll need to keep an eye on resource usage.

If you need a little more processing power and are looking to share your server's contents with others (family, business partners, etc), you might need a dedicated server instead.

Need more information on hosted servers, or looking to get started? This collection of guides will help you on your way.

Home server or hosted server — there are benefits to each

Whichever direction you choose to go for your server, setting up your own server can be a fantastic way to expand your tech knowledge and create a server solution that uniquely fits your own needs.

This article contains content previously published on the GoDaddy blog written by Shawn Pfunder and Andy McIlwain.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gamingYatriTrivedi

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

If you've played Minecraft, then it's easy to see how much fun it can be. Running your own server lets you bring all of your friends into the same game, and you can play with rules you get to make or break. It's the ultimate in an already addictive game!

We've already shown you How To Get Started with Minecraft, a Game Geeks Love. What's better than single player? Multiplayer, of course! You can join one of hundreds of servers at to get started, or search around for more exclusive ones, but ultimately you're bound by their rules and discretion. Running your own server lets you and your friends can play together with your own set of rules, and it's really easy to do.

Download and First Run

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Head on over to the Minecraft Download page and go down to the "Multiplater beta server software" section. Windows users can Just download the .exe file and run it. OS X and Linux users should download the .jar file, then run the server using the following command in Terminal:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

If you want to devote more (or less) RAM to your server, change the 1024M to something else, like 2048M. The first number is the maximum amount it can use, and the second number is the minimum. Since everything is in Java, you should have at least a spare gig of RAM to devote to Minecraft. Things can get unruly with a decent amount of people playing, especially when you start to do crazy stuff like blowing up huge caverns with massive amounts of TNT.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

In the server window, you'll see the memory and processor thread use on the left, the list of connected players in the lower left, and the log and chat window on the right side. The first time you run the server, you'll get some errors at first. That's normal, so don't panic!

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

The server didn't find the configuration files it needs, so it'll make them. You'll see some new files come up in the same folder as your server.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

There's the "world" folder, which contains your generated map area, an ops list, and a file, among other things.

Once the world is finished generating, you'll get a little notice about the help file. Close the server, or if you're running it in Terminal, just type "stop" (without the quotes). We're going to tweak and we can't do that while the server's running.

Tweaking the Server's Properties

Open up the file in notepad. You'll see something like this:

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

You'll see some important options.

  • level-name: This is the name of your Minecraft world. If you change this name, the server will look for a folder with a matching name, and if none is found, it will generate a new level with this name.
  • spawn-monsters: If set to false, monsters such as zombies, skeletons, and creepers will not spawn. Often turned off for "op" or "creative" servers, where everyone builds and survival is not the focus of gameplay.
  • spawn-animals: If set to false, animals such as wolves, cows, sheep, and chickens will not spawn.
  • pvp: If set to false, players will not be able to harm one another, although you can still inflict damage by pushing other players off of ledges.
  • white-list: If set to true, the server will only allows the usernames in the "white-list.txt" file to successfully connect and play.

For a complete description of all of the options, check out the Minecraft Wiki's page on Once you're done changing things to what you want, save the file.

Since it's your server, be sure to add your Minecraft username in the "ops.txt" file. That way, you'll be an "operator" with full admin rights. You can generate any item you want, ban players, make other players ops, and change the in-game time.

In order for your friends to connect to your server you'll have to configure port forwarding on your router. The default port is 25565, but this can be changed in the file. Your friends will need your IP address (or DNS alias/redirect) and this port number so that they can connect.

When you're ready, start up the server again.

Playing On a Server

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

When you start Minecraft, you're given the option of connecting to a multiplayer server. Clicking on it will allow you to enter its address information.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

If you're playing on the same computer as your server, you can just type "localhost" (without the quotes). Otherwise, plug in your server's IP address or domain name. Click connect, and you'll join the server.

Hit T to bring up the chat console.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

You'll see all of the public messages by users, system messages, and commands that you've executed. Notice the little prompt (>) in the lower left corner. Typing something and hitting Enter will send a message to all other players in a group chat. You can execute commands here, too, and they always start with a forward slash (/).

As an op, you should be able to type "/list" and hit Enter to list all of the connected players. You can also give items to any player (including yourself), ban and pardon specific users, and change the system time. If you're unsure of a specific command's requirement, you can type "/help" to get more info. For the full list of server commands, check out the Minecraft Wiki's Server Commands page.

Now go and tell all of your friends to join! There's nothing that beats building massive structures, exploring the vast landscape, and mining into moutains, except doing it with 8 of your best friends.

To start the adventure with Minecraft as the server administrator, you first need to decide whether you want to start a server on a private computer, or buy a special server for multiplayer games. If your requirements, concerning a server, are not high, or if your computer is powerful enough and so is your internet connection, you can start a server of your own, on your computer.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

From the Minecraft official website, you need to download a file that starts a server, in the .jar version, or as a binary .exe file.

Running the server with a binary file (.exe)

After you have downloaded the file, put it into any folder on the disk and start it.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Allow the application some time, until it creates all of the files required by the server game. You will notice two new folders and five new files. Switch the server off, now, and configure its settings. After you have saved the settings, you can start the file again and join the active server.

You can also allocate more RAM memory for the server to use, which will create a .bat batch file, in the same folder as the server file:

javaw -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -jar minecraft_server.1.7.2.exe (unless the name of the .exe file is different), and save it as your_name.bat (the file must be in the same folder as the minecraft_server.jar file!).

Running a server with a Java file (.jar)

Starting a server with a .jar file is the same as starting it with the .exe file. If you are experiencing problems with starting the .jar file, you can create a .bat batch file, by writing in the Notepad:

java -Xms512M -Xmx1G -jar minecraft_server.1.7.2.jar (unless the name of the .jar file is different) (and "-d64" if you are starting it under a 64-bit operating system) and saving as your_name.bat (the file must be in the same folder as the minecraft_server.jar file!).

This way, you can also allocate more RAM memory for the server, which will influence the fluency of gameplay, with complex worlds and big number of players.

The numbers at the -Xms512M and -Xmx1G parameters, define how much ram memory you want to allocate to the server. Usually, it allocates 100MB RAM, which is very low, which is why, it is recommended to allocate more.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Minecraft can be a fun game but it only really becomes exciting when you can play with friends. This is why multi-player servers are so popular. But what if you want to create your own server?

There are minecraft alts available to the individuals for the playing of the games. It is offering the best experience in the playing of the games. It is beneficial because the popularity of the alts in high in the playing of the Minecraft games. You can take the benefit of your server for the playing of the games.

While Minecraft isn't an extremely hardware intensive game when compared to other multiplayer games, it will require you to have a reasonably decent computer. This means enough ram to support the game and the number of players you are considering having on at any one time. The rule of thumb is to have about one GB of ram for every five players. You'll also need a reliable and fast internet connection as well and cable is usually your best option for running a server.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Setting up a Minecraft server is a fairly simple process. You'll need to start by making sure you have the latest version of Java 7 installed. Once you've done that download the minecraft_server.exe file found on the site. Create a new folder on your desktop and name it anything you like, such as Minecraft Server. Drop your newly downloaded file into the folder. Clicking on the file will create the necessary configuration files and set up your new server world for you.

Once your server is set up, you'll want to make yourself OP or operator. This allows you to ban or kick players when necessary and gives you control over your server. Simply go to your server folder, look for the ops file and add your in game name. If you add others as OP, make sure they are people that you trust completely. You'll also find a file in your sever folder called whitelist. By creating a whitelist you can control who plays on your Minecraft server. Only those added to this list will be able to join.

To allow your friends to join your server, they'll need to add your server to their multiplayer list. This means you'll have to give them your external IP address. To do this simply open a Google search page and type in "What's my IP" Your public or external IP will be listed right at the top. This is the number you give to anyone you want to join your server. They can then go to "Add server" and enter the information.

While you're in your Minecraft server folder, take a look at the server. properties file. You can open this file with any text editor, such as Notepad. This file allows you to make changes to your server, basically by turning options on or off.

It's not difficult to start your own Minecraft server. It really depends on how much time and effort you are willing to put into it. And if you get stuck with a particular problem it's nice to know that, because it remains such a hot topic, you can find a solution with just a simple search on the internet.

The endless world of Minecraft is much more interesting to explore with friends. Having faithful companions at hand, you can build entire cities, build interesting mechanisms, and play various scenarios. But there is no simple and familiar button "Play with friends" in the game. This fact together with the abundance of versions and platforms makes an inexperienced player confused.

There are various options for how to organize a game with your friends online. For example, you can buy a server and host it on your PC. But we will go the other way and show you the simplest and most effective ways. Let's start!

How Do I Create a Multiplayer Server to Play Minecraft With a Friend?

Our first method is the highest quality and most reliable one. On the official site, you can purchase a Realms or Realms Plus subscription. It will give you access to its own 10-slot server.

For Minecraft: Java Edition, only Realms is available, and for every other version, Realms Plus is available as well. In the first case, you get a server to play with your friends. The Plus subscription also includes free access to 100+ selected packs from the marketplace (new ones are added every month). These can be texture packs, skin packs, maps with mini-games, or survival missions. You can also access the Realms Plus server through any version of Minecraft (except Java Edition) using a console, phone, or PC. After the end of the subscription, the game world will be available for another 18 months in case you want to download it or renew your subscription. The benefits of this method are the following:

  • You can try a month for free.
  • Server online 24/7, no need to keep the PC turned on.
  • Stable and fast connection.
  • Backups are made every hour with the ability to download them at any time.
  • Only the server owner should pay.
  • Multiplatform (Realms Plus only).
  • Access to 100+ Paid Packs (Realms Plus only).
  • Paid, the subscription must be renewed every month or taken immediately for six months.
  • You can't use mods.
  • Can only be played on the current version.
  • Maximum 10 people at the same time.

How to Play Minecraft With Friends Online

The second way is to create a LAN server on your computer, where you can then invite friends. The only requirement is that you must be constantly in the game in order for everything to work. For Java Edition, the maximum number of players is 8. Only Java Edition clients can join this server.

For all other platforms, everything is easier. You can play simultaneously using your phone, the version for Windows 10, as well as consoles. Also, for a LAN server on these platforms, you can set the maximum number of players up to 30. This is done using the / setmaxplayers command, which you need to register in the chat. The more people on the server, the more powerful hardware you need. And the quality of the connection will depend on the internet speed of the host and the distance between him and connected players.

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With millions of users, the simple yet inexhaustible game "Minecraft" is easy to locate people to play with. However, how to play multiplayer with your companions isn't always obvious.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Whether you have the newer, console-friendly "Bedrock" edition or the original "Java" edition, how you play multiplayer "Minecraft" will differ. You can only play with friends that have the same version as you, regardless of the edition you have. If that version is "Java," you have a few options for playing with your friends.

Hosting a multiplayer "Minecraft" game should only take a few minutes, whether you feel up to joining a public server or establishing your own , wish to run a local LAN server, or would prefer to use the premium "Realms" server-hosting option.

Make your own 'Minecraft: Java Edition' multiplayer server or join one run by a friend

Servers are the foundation of the multiplayer mode in "Minecraft." Everyone who wants to play together must be on the same server.

There are currently hundreds of "Minecraft" servers available for you and your friends to join and play together in a matter of minutes. The main drawback is that you'll be sharing these servers with a large number of strangers.

You may establish a Minecraft server for free if you and your buddies wish to play in a private game. Just be aware that it will take some time and effort, and that whomever creates the server will require a powerful computer with a high – speed internet connection.

How to join a friend's or a public 'Minecraft: Java Edition' server

You only need the appropriate IP address to join a server that a friend has already created or that you found online – there are hundreds of public "Minecraft" servers. Joining a public server is the simplest way to play multiplayer "Minecraft," but it will force you to share the server with anyone else who knows about it.

Once you have the IP address of the public server you wish to play on, or the IP address of a friend's "Minecraft" server:-

  • Launch 'Java' and choose the multiplayer option.
  • "Add Server" should be selected.
  • Enter the host server's address in the "Server Address" field and click "Done." This could be a URL or an IP address.
  • Allow the server to connect, then click on it and select "Join Server" when it appears in the list.

That's how you connect to a server that already exists.

Create your own 'Minecraft: Java' server
  • To begin, make sure you have Java installed on your computer. If you don't have it yet, you can get it for free from the Java website. You'll also need to download the Java SE Development Kit if you're using a Mac.
  • Open your preferred web browser and go to Scroll down to "Java Edition Server" and select it.
  • Find and download the Minecraft server software on the following page, and save it somewhere you can find it. The for the file will be having a .jar extension.
  • The next step is to make a simple text document. Select "New," then "Text Document" from the context menu when right-clicking on the folder. Save the document under the name, "start.txt".
  • Return to the download page for the Minecraft server. Copy the following command text:

How to join the Minecraft server created, using the device running the server – Select "Multiplayer" in Minecraft while your server is open and running. In the bottom-right corner, click "Add Server." Simply type "0" in the "Server Address" field.

Minecraft is undoubtedly an addictive, fast paced, action game in which the players would have to perform many day-to-day tasks to gain advantage over other characters that in the form of attackers and dangerous creatures.

This games highly engaging when played in a multiplayer mode in which a player has to harness his/her skills to take an advantage over other players. The plot thickens with many players joining and forming alliances/teams and carry out the tasks with perfect coordination.

How to play Minecraft multiplayer game

Multiplayer mode of Minecraft can be played in two methods i.e.

  • Playing on an online server that hosts Minecraft.
  • Providing access to a home computer that has Minecraft to others through home or LAN.

Many gamers prefer the first option as playing on an online server is not only easy but also free.

Can I setup a Minecraft server

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Any player can setup a Minecraft multiplayer server and invite others to join the server. When you setup a server you would have the preferences to set a new world and control many admin functions. It would an immense responsibility to be a server admin but it allows you learn more about the game to become a pro.

How many types of Minecraft servers available

Minecraft can be run on the following server types:

  1. Minecraft hosting server
  2. Dedicated server
  3. VPS (Virtual Private Server)
  4. Home PC

Are there free servers to play Minecraft

Yes. There are many hosting service providers like who offer free Minecraft hosting. You have to sign-up with these services to start your own game server.

How to setup a server

Server setup needs technical skills but with free hosting services most of the actions can be done with the help of the wizard. A sample server setup guide is given here for you to get an idea about the Minecraft server setup. The setup may vary in accordance with the type of server and the operating system. Keep this in mind before attempting to follow the steps.

Step 1 – Basic Server Setup

Irrespective of the operating system platform you should have active Java working on the server. Else you would not be able to setup the server. Hence ensure that the Java is activated on the server.

Download .jar file in the appropriate location and run the command prompt and type the relevant commands that launch the server. This operation would generate the config files that are necessary to create a base game world for your players.

Step 2 – Server Configuration

After the basic setup, you need to configure the server so that the right files are in their respective places and the players would not find the difficulty in accessing the game.

Ensure that the following server files are installed properly:

  • World Directory with maps called 'world'
  • The main server file called which is critical for configuration.
  • The logs file called 'server.log'
  • Admin or operators names list called 'ops.txt'
  • List of allowed players called '.txt'
  • Banner players list called 'banned-player.txt'
  • Banner IP list called 'banner-ip.txt'

Step 3 – Enabling Dynamic IP Setting & External Access

Choose a free dynamic DNS server with a catchy name and spread the word about the name so that other players can gain access to it.

In this tutorial we will show you how to set up your own modpack server with any modpack available on CurseForge (Overwolf). ServerMiner lets you get a CurseForge server up and running easily with our built-in modpack installer.

Part 1 – Creating your CurseForge Modpack Server

  1. To get started, you'll need to first purchase a Minecraft Server through ServerMiner here: CurseForge Server Hosting.
  2. The first step is to navigate to the CurseForge Installer page by clicking the Installer tab to the left and then clicking the CurseForge Installer page. You can then search for the modpack which you'd like to install and click the Install button. The control panel will then handle the entire install process for you! For this example, we will be installing RLCraft (1.12.2), but you may use any CurseForge modpack that you wish. (Even Custom Modpacks!)
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming
  3. Once your selected CurseForge modpack is installed, your server will automatically start and will go Online. You may move onto connecting to your server.

If your server doesn't start, feel free to get in touch with us and we'll be happy to help.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Part 2 – Connecting to your CurseForge Modpack Server

  1. To connect to your modded server, you'll need to install the same CurseForge modpack onto your computer. This can be done really easily by using the CurseForge Launcher through Overwolf. First, download the CurseForge Overwolf installer on your local machine by heading over to and select the operating system that you are currently running on. A CurseForge Overwolf installer will then be downloaded.
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming
  2. Once the installer file has been downloaded, you can go ahead and open the downloaded CurseForge Overwolf installer. Overwolf will then be installed along with the CurseForge app. Once installed, you can go ahead and launch the CurseForge app and select Minecraft, then Browse Modpacks
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming
  3. Here you may search and select the modpack you have installed on your server. In this tutorial, we're installing RLCraft. Once you have found your modpack from the search, click the Install button to the right of the modpack.
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming
  4. Once the modpack has been installed onto your computer, head back to My Modpacks and click the Play button. The Minecraft Launcher will then open up and you can sign in to your Minecraft account. Once you've signed in, the modpack should automatically be selected for loading, so just hit the Play button.
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming
  5. The usual Minecraft installation will take place and your Minecraft Game Client will launch and bring you to the main menu. Each Main Menu might be different depending on the modpack!
  6. Head over to the multiplayer section, add server and input your server details. You may write anything in the Server Name, this is to help you remember which server it is. As for the Server Address, input the IP found on the control panel. Click done and enter your server!
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming
  7. You will now join into your very own CurseForge modpack server! Prepare for a brand new adventure in the world of modded Minecraft. Your server is hosted 24/7 365 days a year and runs completely independently from your own computer. This means that you can turn your home computer off and your friends can still play on your server.
    How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

TIP: It's always best to start a new modpack on a clean server, this helps prevent any accidental conflicts and issues. You can reset your server through the File Manager.

If you're still having problems setting up a CurseForge modpack on your server, feel free to contact our support team at and we will happily help you resolve the issue!

Happy mining! ⛏️

Prefer a video tutorial?

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Having sold over 176 million copies as of 2019, Mojang's sandbox adventure game – Minecraft , is the second-most popular video games in the world after Tetris.

The game has wildly captured the imaginations of kids, parents , and even school educators since its release in 2011 – and the craze continues to blaze.

But why is Minecraft so popular? Unlike most video games, it offers players with unlimited possibilities to create a 3-dimensional world using a variety of different blocks – a task that requires a lot of creativity.

It's also an educational tool for kids that can help them learn anything from advanced computer skills, math, engineering, architecture, art, and history. Kids also pick up life skills like creativity, problem-solving, exploration, and teamwork.

While playing Minecraft is exciting, you may want to take the gaming experience a step further by setting up a private Minecraft server. Fortunately, setting up a private Minecraft server is easy if you have some basic computer and networking skills.

In this guide, we'll show you how to set up a private Minecraft server on Windows, Mac, and Linux VPS.

Before you dive into the niceties, there are some basic steps you'll need to follow.

At the very least, you'll need to:

  • Update Java to the latest version
  • Choose server location
  • Download and install the most recent version of Minecraft server software
  • Start the server
  • Check whether the server is accessible

Consider Your Options

To run a Minecraft server from home, you don't need a top-of-the-line system. However, for you to play and run the server on the same machine smoothly, your system needs to be powerful.

But what if, for whatever reasons you don't want to host your Minecraft server from home? The most ideal solution is to use a game server provided by a hosting provider .

With a dedicated game server, you don't have to deal with the hassle of managing server hardware. Also, you don't have to worry about poor connections or lag when in multiplayer mode.

With that in mind, now let's dive into the particulars.

How to start your own minecraft server for multiplayer gaming

Setting up a Minecraft Server on Windows

Get the latest Java version

Being a Java-based sandbox game, the first thing you'll want to do is to download and install the latest version of Java in your Windows PC.

Pick a location for your Minecraft server files

The next step is to identify a location in your PC where you'll set up and run the server. You can create a dedicated folder on your desktop or in any other location on your PC. The point here is to keep the configuration files in one place and organized.

Download Minecraft server

Once you've identified a location for your Minecraft server files, go ahead and download the most recent version of Minecraft server software from Minecraft's official website .

The downloaded file will be in .jar format. Move it to the destination folder you chose above and double-click it to start the server. The server configuration files will be created but you'll need to make some adjustments before the server is ready to use.

At this point, you'll be required to accept the end-user license agreement (EULA). Accepting the EULA will enable you to start the server.

To agree to the EULA, double-click on the eula.txt file and then replace the eula=false line of text to eula=true . Save then close.

Start the server

You can now start your Minecraft server. There are two ways you can do this.

You can choose to double click the .jar file. With this option, however, you might be required to allow the server through a firewall.

The other option is to open the dedicated Minecraft server folder where the server files were installed and start the server by executing this command:

java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

Your server is now up and running and you can start inviting friends to join in via your local or public IP address. However, it's advisable to check whether your server is accessible by entering your public IP into the Minecraft Server Checker .

Setting up a Minecraft Server on Mac

The procedure is quite similar to that of setting up on Windows OS.

Update or install Java

All new MacOS versions come with Java. However, you can check your version by navigating to System Preferences then clicking on Java. You'll be able to see your Java version from the Java control panel.

For computers running on older macOS versions, you'll have to download the legacy version of Java from the Apple website.

Choose a location to store your server files

Create a destination folder on your desktop or any other place you prefer where you'll store your Minecraft server configuration files.

Download the Minecraft server set up program

Now visit the official Minecraft website and download the server software. You will get a .jar file in your Downloads folder. Copy the file to the destination folder.

Now open the TextEdit program select the plain text option and enter the following command sequence:

exec java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

In the same file directory where the server files are stored, save this file as startmc.command . But for this file to work, you'll need "execute" permission.

To grant permission, open your terminal and type in the following command: chmod a+x startmc.command

Start the server

If the above steps are followed correctly, double-clicking the startmc.command should start the server. A new terminal window will pop up and you might get a directory warning or missing file error message. This should not be a cause for alarm as it happens whenever you run a Minecraft server for the first time.

Set Up a Minecraft Server an Linux VPS

As aforementioned, some players may not be inclined to the idea of hosting their Minecraft server at home. A cheap alternative would be to spin up a Linux VPS hosting plan.

With a Linus VPS, you'll enjoy better network security, server-grade hardware, and of course, lagging will be a thing of the past. You can check out this article from and learn how you can set up a private Minecraft server on Linux VPS.

With a private Minecraft server, you have more control. You can modify the rules of the game, invite your buddies to join in for some fun, install mods, and more. Similarly, parents can have control over whom you're their kids interact with online.