
Will Drawing Salve Work On A Cyst


What treatment has been effective for your Bartholin cyst? Submit Your Comment

Comment from: SickOfThisShit, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 08

I noticed pain last Wednesday when my period started. I thought it was just sensitivity from my period. Friday morning I woke up noticing my swollen left labia. I went to Urgent Care and they confirmed it was a Bartholin cyst. They drained it, and I went on my way but was still in pain. Next morning at 4 am I went into the emergency room (ER) with my mom. They drained it again (had to make another incision). The numbing needle was painful but the squeezing! Whew. After both drains, I am feeling better.

Comment from: Ouchy, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: November 03

I felt my Bartholin cyst develop over a week. It was suddenly grape-sized and walking and sitting were painful. Thank goodness I read some of the posts here as I was in agony and going to go to the doctor. I bought some witch hazel and dunked it on a cotton wool and applied to the cyst for about two hours. By this time, the cyst was throbbing. Before I went to bed I went to check on it, when it burst, giving instant relief. So much pus and bloodied water type stuff came out. Over the next 24 hours it shriveled up.

Comment from: Thankful , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: November 03

I could cry in relief! I've had this Bartholin cyst for a few weeks, didn't know what it was. The doctor gave me antibiotics and told me to have salt baths and squeeze it. Four days later it was 3 times the size. After a hot bath and in tears I found your comments. At 10 pm I sent my partner to get witch hazel and gauze. I put tea tree oil and witch hazel on gauze and then a heat pack on top, repeated and left in overnight. Woke up to it open this morning. Cleaned it out and so relieved. Thank you all!

Comment from: Mysta, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 28

A huge thank you to everyone who has posted here. All your comments and advice have helped me get through my Bartholin cyst ordeal. It turned into an abscess over 6 days, swollen golf ball-sized firm balloon that was painful on walking, sitting, sleeping, etc. I started with some sitz baths which initially provided some relief. The cyst finally popped on day 6 when I used Phoebe's cure, 1 tsp tea tree oil, 1 tsp witch hazel and calamine lotion on gauze for 30 minutes. The worst experience ever!

Comment from: Queenie, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 27

I have had Bartholin cysts (BCs) off and on for years. They do not go away completely. I am 54. Tea tree oil will help but at a gross cost, vaginal discharge from the BC. For 3 months and counting, ladies! Yuk, so not worth this trip. I went to my gynecologist who told me to use witch hazel cotton presses for no more than 5 minutes, 2 times a day, and warm baths. I have not had one since the tea tree oil because it's still weeping (from the doctor) and will hopefully clear soon. Don't shave in the bathtub!

Comment from: Arkhouse, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 25

I had the worst Bartholin cyst. I would squeeze to drain it only for it to come back up and repeat. It was excruciating, so I stopped squeezing it. I let it get as large as I could handle, then had a warm soak and (by accident) gently scratched it open. Pus, blood and fluid poured out but also a sac like membrane. It was immediate and almost total relief, but the best part is, it's never come back. I swear that sac or whatever it was, is the key to it never returning.

Comment from: Liz, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: October 25

I had a Bartholin cyst that became extremely painful within 2 days. I went in for antibiotics and pain medication which would wear off. I'd tried the sitz bath twice which offered temporary relief but it got worse once I got up. Unfortunately I didn't have witch hazel or tea tree oil. What I did have was Himalayan salt, apple cider vinegar and olive oil, I made a paste of it and held it on that area firmly. It calmed down enough for me to sleep and had popped by the time I got up.

Comment from: Leila, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 20

Whatever you are doing or taking for Bartholin cyst, sit on a hot water bottle or a heat pad. I did this during the day, the whole day, and that same night, it ruptured on its own.

Comment from: Youngobaby , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: October 12

This is my first time ever having a Bartholin cyst. It is the most excruciating pain I've had at 22 years old. It started off small but eventually became golf ball-size and I went to the emergency room (ER). Everything was fine after they drained it and the next day as well. I did notice there wasn't any draining and now, today, the second day home, I am in excruciating pain. I'm not sure if it's because I got cut open or because it hasn't been draining and might be getting worse. I've taken warm baths and pain pills.


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Comment from: walkerkk, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 11

I can't thank you women enough who recommended Prid! I've had several Bartholin cysts over the last few years, and usually it is days and days of pain, many sitz baths and much suffering. After using Prid, I got it to drain in less than 8 hours. This is a miracle that I will have in my house forever now.

Comment from: Sam with no money, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 28

I'm broke like most young women, so I don't have the choice of a doctor and seeking certain things was out of the budget. I relied on my body to take its course. My Bartholin cyst decided to show up closer to the clitoris and hurt so bad. I suggest sleeping on the stomach with leg bent and on a pillow. It finally got a white and purple top. I was scared, but woke up at 2 am on the 3rd day and used cotton balls and water to help it along. The only money I'll probably spend will be on Neosporin now. Hope this helps!

Comment from: Stevie, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 24

This is my second Bartholin cyst, but the first time having it drained. This one was the size of a large grape and I could barely drive to Urgent Care. There they aspirated with a needle 3 times and squeezed out as much infection as they could. My doctor said childbirth was easier, and I thought I was going to pass out on the table. It's deflated quite a bit and I'm doing sitz baths every 3 hours during the day and taking antibiotics. I'm traumatized. Good luck.

Comment from: Mary, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: August 27

This was one of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. I live in a place where I do not have access to an obstetrician/gynecologist. My Bartholin cyst showed up on my fourth period day and it was painless, but by the fifth day it became an agonizing walnut sized abscess. I took 3 baths on that day, and by the sixth day I took 5-6 baths 15/30 minutes each. Then I used a drawing salve twice between baths. By the end of the day while I was taking one more bath before bed, it popped on its own.

Comment from: Honei, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: August 24

I'm truly grateful to find this site. The horrific pain started in April. So painful and it only got worse. I went through 9 doctors to find out what this is. The 10th who was a certified pediatric nurse (CPN) figured it was a Bartholin cyst. I went to the emergency room (ER) for the extreme pain and I'm guessing that's when it burst. It's now August and it's still oozing whatever is in there. There's now an open hole that hasn't closed. The 11th doctor, a specialist, is going to do surgery on it in October. I've been on 5 antibiotics.

Comment from: Victory, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 24

I had a pencil eraser sized Bartholin cyst pop up. It became a little uncomfortable. After reading that witch hazel and tea tree oil help, I grabbed a witch hazel soaked cotton ball and my tea tree oil infused zit stickers. I dabbed it a bit with the witch hazel, let it dry and stuck the zit sticker on. I left it on for about five hours. It wasn't as annoying as I thought it would be. After another treatment the second night, I could see a bit of a head on it. With a little encouragement, it popped and drained.

Comment from: TumericLover, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: August 23

Second time I got a Bartholin cyst (BC) now. I use turmeric powder mixed with a bit of water to turn it into a paste. I apply it on the bump and it pops the same day. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It has helped me to quickly get rid of a BC. Hope this helps for those that are having trouble with witch hazel.

Comment from: LT, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 16

Take warm/hot sea salt baths (not table salt), about 2-3 good handfuls, as many times a day as you can. Try to sit so the Bartholin cyst is able to soak in water (I usually sit with knees to chest, legs wide open). Always disinfect the tub (or whatever you're using) after each bath. After each bath, use fingers to apply some pressure and gently massage the bump. Do not push too hard, it will make it worse. Take ibuprofen. If it doesn't drain or go away on its own and it's too painful, see your obstetrician/gynecologist, don't go to the emergency room (ER).

Comment from: Coco, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: August 11

This is my 3rd Bartholin abscess. I haven't gone the doctor route partially because I'm scared and also because I generally will have no one to take care of me when I do. It's currently 1 am and I've been crying since the afternoon. The pain is horrible! I can't walk or sit at all. I've been on my back all day. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. I used draining ointment on all 3 of them. I've had this one for about 4 days now, and it's the biggest one; about the size of an XXL egg.


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Comment from: Taylor G, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 11

I have had at least 8-10 Bartholin cysts in the past 9 months. Sometimes it seems to line up with my period or sex, but sometimes not, so I think that's a coincidence. I've been to the doctor a couple of times, but mine don't get very large (thank goodness), so they haven't lanced one yet. I can usually get rid of it with an Epsom salt sitz bath several times a day, then a warm wet cloth with a heating pad against it at night. They are so irritating, so I feel for all of you. Relieved to have you all.

Comment from: Gghbi, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 05

I applied Boil-Ease ointment on the Bartholin cyst and sat in a sitz bath with hot water. But don't let the water touch you, just let the steam rise with a towel around you and it will break open and drain within the next hour or two.

Comment from: A Boogie, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 03

Serrapeptase, apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil and salt washes have saved me from my Bartholin cyst. I take between 160,000 IU and 240000 IU of serrapeptase per day and I also bathe my vagina area with salt water daily and during my period (as this is when the cyst usually begins to develop). I fill a shallow bowl with warm water and a good amount of salt, tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar, sit over it and bathe down below. So far this has kept the cysts away, I used to get one after every period, but it's been 3 months.

Comment from: Jacky, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: August 03

Thank you all so much! I have dealt with small Bartholin cysts in the past, and while slightly uncomfortable they would normally go away/pop on their own. However, this week has been the worst yet. I couldn't move, walk, and even sleeping was agony. I found this page and followed your suggestions (salt bath, tea tree oil, and witch hazel). As if by magic, it popped on its own. It's draining now and still kind of painful, but manageable and nowhere near as torturous. Thank you!

Comment from: Jhene, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 26

I am 21 years old and this is my third time getting a Bartholin cyst. The first 2 times it happened I did the sitz bath and it went away, but this last time, I went on vacation and my cyst decided to come that day. The crazy thing is, every time it comes, it always comes on the left side. But the last time I had it, on day 3, I kid you not… my cyst went away on the left side but now it's on the right side! The worst part is, I'm staying in a hotel that only has showers, no bathtubs.

Comment from: Skye, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 22

This is my second time to have Bartholin cyst. I noticed a small lump Monday, but felt no pain. The next day, it started swelling and the pain was unbearable. I did some warm compress using cotton pads from time to time, since we don't have a tub at home where I can do my sitz baths. On that night, I noticed a yellowish dot on my undies, so I went to check and found out that the cyst had popped already. I used some wet tissue soaked in lukewarm water and drained the pus out.

Comment from: Mrs Katz, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: July 16

I am in my late 40s, and have some perimenopause symptoms. I also have a Mirena IUD (intrauterine device). I've been experiencing some vaginal dryness during sex, and am using lube. It's extremely hot and humid right now, which isn't helpful. I've had several Bartholin cysts, only within the past couple years. I've been able to self-treat using witch hazel soaked pads. As soon as I notice a lump, I soak cotton in witch hazel, and apply pressure. The most recent one burst right away, with watery pink drainage.

Comment from: Brit, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

I started getting Bartholin cysts last October 2020. My first one swelled up so bad I couldn't move or sleep. I did continual sitz baths, warm compresses and took antibiotics that my doctor prescribed. After a while I started to do sitz baths but made a tea tree, turmeric (helps with Inflammation), witch hazel, and coconut oil paste. I left it 2 times a day and it ruptured by day 3. Now, I incorporate Prid with this paste. I have one forming now and I'm trying to get on it before it gets bigger.

Comment from: G anaya, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 12

I got my first Bartholin cyst on Monday, the worst pain I have ever had. I bought sitz bath with juniper and niaouli on Amazon and always bought Coochy Plus spray. I used both, starting on Wednesday, 2 times a day and felt so much relief. I also took ibuprofen, and by Thursday it had ruptured. Hopefully this works for you guys as well.

Comment from: Laura, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 07

I had my first Bartholin cyst last year, then another one a few months ago. Sadly, I got it yet again a few days ago. I honestly thought I would pass out so I was glad it eventually went away the first two times, but the pain is always so excruciating. I've been using a hot compress and applying apple cider vinegar (acv). Wondering if I should ice it and keep doing the ACV plus hot compress treatment. I have no tea tree oil and the stuff in Phoebe's method, only ACV, it worked before but I'm just so sad because it's excruciatingly slow this time around.

Comment from: Saefhenry , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 30

This is my third Bartholin abscess in 5 years. This last one (just ruptured few hours ago) was the worst of all. I don't wish this on my enemy. I tried antibiotics, sitz baths, apple cider vinegar, and nothing worked. Yesterday, I called my mom, she came to pick me up from my place to hers. She ground charcoal. It was very smooth, and she mixed it with little water. I applied shea butter and the ground charcoal to the area yesterday and today. It finally ruptured! All good now.

Comment from: Worried87, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 24

I have had a Bartholin cyst for probably 5 years that has been the size of a pea. It has never bothered me but caused a lot of self-esteem issues. Yesterday it started to feel tender and started to collect pus. I am completely shaken. I put apple cider vinegar (ACV) on last night and it seems to have swelled a bit more and is tender today. I am using a heating pad with witch hazel, and also doing warm baths 3-4 times a day. Looks like it is bruising now, a small section of the cyst.

Comment from: Teri, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 24

I just healed my 4th one; Bartholin cysts are the worst possible pain. I had to get surgery for the first 2, but then got fed up because it kept coming back. For the last 2, I did hot baths (as hot as you can handle) as much as I could, hot compresses, and rubbed diluted tea tree oil on it as much as I could. I even left cotton buds soaked in tea tree oil on it. They both burst within 3-4 days with minimal pain and instant relief. Good luck to everyone, trust your body, it will pass.

Comment from: LisaC, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 07

I have been dealing with Bartholin cysts for the last 9 years. I had it drained with Word catheter twice. Local analgesic did not appear to be effective at all and it was horribly painful. Of course it continues to reoccur. I have tried literally every remedy. What I have found helpful is a supplement called serrapeptase. It's an enzyme that dissolves cysts. It cleared the duct, and although my gland still swells I can easily drain it myself now.

Comment from: Girlanatomy24, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 07

I've had a Bartholin cyst twice it the last 12 years, one being this last year. Each time, I noticed it was after using Summer's Eve products and I only noticed this because I don't regularly use it and when I started using them in 2020 is when it developed. The 1st time, I had the cyst surgically removed but this time I did not want to go through that again. It was small, but over the last month or so it got huge. Using heat, pressure and tea tree oil constantly worked and it ruptured.

Comment from: yen, 25-34 Male (Patient) Published: May 24

Apple cider vinegar helped me to pop my Bartholin abscess. This is my second one after my marsupialization. I did sitz bath with salt and cider and hot compress and nothing changed, until I tried to put cider in cotton ball on my cyst on the second night, let it sit for 1 minute because it stings so bad, then put it back again after 10 minutes and just doing hot compress within that 10 minutes. In the middle of the night, I let it sit while I was asleep. I didn't change in the morning until it popped around 1 PM.

Comment from: c grace, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: May 19

My Bartholin cyst appeared on a Friday. It made me very ill all weekend (fever and chills). I went to the emergency room (ER) that Sunday and was prescribed antibiotics to clear it up. The cyst got progressively worse through the week and I was in excruciating pain. I tried baths, witch hazel, Phoebe's cure, and nothing worked. The following Saturday I could not handle the pain any longer and went to the ER where they were shocked at the size and drained it. A week of recovery after that; 2 weeks of dealing with this.

Comment from: Spring gardener, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 19

A few days ago I had my second Bartholin cyst. I made a poultice with goldenseal root and apple cider vinegar. Soaking a small piece of gauze I placed the poultice on the cyst for about 5 hours and took 800 mg of guaifenesin. You can find all these ingredients at a drug store. After soaking in a sitz bath for 20 minutes, the cyst ruptured and drained with very minimal pain. I'm still soaking a few times a day until I'm fully healed but this worked well for me.

Comment from: Hol86, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 12

I am recovering from my 3rd operation on my Bartholin's cyst/abscess. I have had 2 marsupialization operations under general anesthesia and one drained under local. I have had 6 reoccurrences in the last 18 months all in the same place. The pain is unmanageable, the worst pain I have ever experienced. I am hopeful this is the last operation I need. The operation itself is pretty painless, I am left now with a little soreness and slightly uncomfortable. I don't think people get how debilitating and painful this can be.

Comment from: Patrica, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 28

I am 37, and 10 days ago I noticed a lump. Within 3 days, the Bartholin cyst grew huge and started hurting badly. I looked up online about it and started doing the sitz baths. I did that for about a week, and the 4th day into the baths it felt better. Then, the next day I couldn't move, even going to the bathroom was a task. I was awake all night last night, and around 5 am I think, it may have burst. The pain was above a 10, but I had relief. I only noticed blood but not sure if that was some drainage or my period. It was a painful and scary experience.

Comment from: Daizee, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: April 28

I am 29 and have had Bartholin cysts since 16. The doctor always said if the cyst does not get painful I'm ok. In 2019 I had to have it drained twice and still I am having this issue. When it is swollen I rub it and all of this gray, sometimes brownish, fluid come out with this really bad odor. It's embarrassing. Now, it is just draining. I am wearing a panty liner every day because of it draining. It is driving me freaking crazy. I have no health insurance and my bill at the obstetrician is over USD 5000 now, so I can't even be seen. I don't know what to do.

Comment from: K , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: April 28

I developed a lump but at first the Bartholin cyst didn't bother me. A few days later it was painful to walk or sit comfortably. After some research I started taking sitz baths every 4 hours or so with Epsom salt and a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The day after I tried this, I put a warm compress with witch hazel on the area, and after about a half hour I noticed drainage on the cloth I used. Kept the area as clean as possible but the pain has subsided substantially.

Comment from: Mid30schick, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: April 28

I am experiencing my first Bartholin cyst. I only found it a week ago but think it has been there longer as I noticed some pain but thought nothing of it. The general physician (GP) has advised hot compresses, sitz baths, etc., but I am on day 2 of that and nothing seems to be working. It's a hard lump that hurts to touch, so I don't ever see it draining! I really hope it goes soon. Sitz bath is my next thing to try.

Comment from: Ginger, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: April 26

I had a Bartholin abscess 3 weeks ago. I did sitz bath with Epsom salt and apple cider vinegar. I also used tea tree oil, witch hazel, calamine lotion and/or turmeric paste. I tried anything possible for home remedy. The abscess popped and drained on its own after 4 days of swelling. For 2 weeks now, I still have had discharges, no foul odor but it feels strange to be always having this white cheesy discharge. My anus is also hurting, although tolerable, but I am afraid I now have a hemorrhoid.

Comment from: Bri, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

I got my first Bartholin cyst in the middle of March 2021 and I now have another one in the middle of April. I'm 21, and when I got my first one I didn't know what was going on. I was scared, in pain and it grew to the size of a golf ball. I got it drained at the hospital and took antibiotics but it still did not decrease in size, until maybe a week later. This time I went to the hospital, they advised me to let it burst, and gave me antibiotics and pain medicine. It burst that night after a really hot sitz bath.

Comment from: Lydia, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 21

In the past year I have had 4 visits to the emergency room (ER) for Bartholin cysts (BC), I'm 21. it's extremely common, so trust me, you aren't alone. Mine all occur on the right side and swell to the size of a baseball. I'm allergic to bath salts so I take apple cider vinegar and baking soda baths to help. It's day 4 and I just woke up from a nap to take another sitz bath, I took a photo on my phone to see if there was any white head, me being the pessimist I am, I didn't think there would be. There was! Good luck.

Comment from: C, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: April 19

This is my 2nd Bartholin cyst. My first one lasted 2 days, whereas this one has lasted 4 days. Both times it has been very uncomfortable to move or keep my legs closed together. I know when it's about to burst because the pain is very intense and keeps me up at night. Each time, I have got up out of bed and gone to the toilet. As I have wiped, it has burst, leaving the discharge from the cyst on the tissue. When it eventually does burst the relief is the best feeling afterwards! Pain killers help.

Comment from: Kybug, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 12

I get these Bartholin cysts very often, close to once a month. It's always tough to make them go away. Last time I tried tomato paste on a gauze pad, I left it there for 30 minutes and had to take it off because it was just too messy. I washed up and then proceeded to try some tea tree oil. After an hour I took that off as well and wiped the area clean because I was getting ready to fall asleep. I woke in the middle of the night and it had popped and was draining. So, I'd try both with a warm compress.

Comment from: SanelaS, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: April 09

I hope this helps someone, it makes me want to cry seeing how many of you are suffering and continue to suffer from Bartholin cysts. I usually get ingrown hair cysts, so thought it was that and when the pain became unbearable and it became the size of a golf ball, I panicked and found out it was Bartholin. I cut the gel parts of aloe Vera and wore it 24/7 on a pad for 3 days and it burst. Day 3, I woke up and wanted to go to the emergency room (ER) because of the pain but it burst. I used witch hazel for cleaning, and coconut oil.

Comment from: Lou, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: March 25

This is my fifth Bartholin cyst. Normally I go to the doctor at which time he will just lance them and unfortunately, then I have to have a drain insert. This time I started looking at all the comments so I went and got witch hazel. The pain is bad enough and now the witch hazel is burning! I would like to know what I can take for the burning sensation from the witch hazel. Wonder if anyone has this problem.

Comment from: Brianalm, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: March 25

I am a 23 year old African American female here. This is my second Bartholin cyst and this time it was extremely painful. The first 2 days it was pretty small, maybe an inch, but no pain. By day 3, the pain was unbearable! Went to the doctor, got prescribed with ibuprofen-800 and hydrocodone and it still didn't help the pain. By the 4th day, I began covering the cyst in witch hazel and tea tree oil. Day 5, I finally decided to sit in a warm bath. An hour later fluid began to drain from the cyst.

Comment from: krys , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: November 05

I noticed the lump on a Sunday and went in to the doctors on Monday and got diagnosed with Bartholin cyst. I was told to go home and compress it, warm baths as much as possible. It's Tuesday night and I am in so much pain, I have been crying all day, it's 2:21 am and I have not had any sleep because I cannot get comfortable. I read tea tree oil helps so I have a cotton round with tea tree oil and a warm compress on it right now, I hope that helps. This is the worst thing; ever so painful.

Comment from: Not sexually active, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 28

This is my second experience with a Bartholin cyst. As I'm not sexually active, I'm not sure how I ever got them but anyway. The first time, it popped accidentally when I went to feel why it hurt (couldn't see it the first time as it was obstructed from view), however, with the second one, it wouldn't pop so I decided to put a cotton bud soaked in apple cider vinegar directly onto it for a minute or so and it turned white. It popped after that and so much fluid, with streaks of pus, came out of a smallish lump.

Comment from: GetBetter!, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: October 26

I had my 1st Bartholin cyst in 2018. The pain was awful when the cyst developed. I had 3 catheter tips placed to help drain them, but none of them worked for me. When my doctor placed the catheter tip, he injected local anesthetic (which burned awfully for 45 seconds). The catheter tip did help drain the cyst, but the cyst kept coming back. I had sexual intercourse 2 weeks after the first catheter was placed, and it immediately came back that night. I did marsupialization a month later, but it came back in 2020 (2 years).

Comment from: M, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: October 20

My age is 52, and overnight a lump developed. I am married, practice good hygiene, and no menopause yet. Following advice on this site, ai soaked a cotton ball in witch hazel and put on the Bartholin cyst for an hour. Hubby, found the clogged opening, barely touched the skin with a needle, and it drained out. I followed up with warm compress. Next morning the lump is almost gone, with slight draining. Only possible causes, we bought industrial toilet paper during COVID shortage and I have started to experience a little pre menopause dryness with intercourse.

Comment from: MARISOl , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 13

I love this website, where you can find support. Having this Bartholin cyst (BC) it was horrible. This was my second BC. My first BC was horrible, it grew to be almost an egg size. I cried for a week because the pain was unbearable. But after I stumbled to this website I read some of the comments about using witch hazel, and that it helps it to burst. Now, it happened again but finally burst on the third day after using witch hazel, hot compression with sea salt and sitz bath with Epsom salt every 4 hours.

Comment from: SurferRosa, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: October 07

Dial bar soap was recommended by a gynecology nurse to prevent ingrown hairs and cysts down there. It is the only soap I've used in the past 5 years. Prid and warm sitz baths with Epsom salts are a gentle and effective treatment for the Bartholin cyst crowd.

Comment from: Lulu, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 06

I am trying out a soak pad with witch hazel to hopefully find a remedy for the Bartholin cyst. I started with tea tree oil and witch hazel. Changed out and just using witch hazel. Wonder if most experience relief within a few hours. And I don't know how long one leaves the pad in place.

Comment from: Kitcarm85, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: October 06

I have a Bartholin cyst that hasn't drained for 8 months now and this time it started to get bigger, about the size of an egg. I tried putting tea tree oil starting yesterday. I placed on a cotton and left it on the site for a long time. My skin where I placed it peeled and started to bleed and looks infected. Now I have two issues to deal with. Wonder if anybody experienced the same reaction from tea tree oil.

Comment from: Mani, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: September 28

I've had a Bartholin abscess for almost 4 days. I've been to the emergency room (ER) twice. First time the drained me, it felt so much better afterwards, but they couldn't get the Word catheter in. I went home and did the baths. It swelled back up two days later and I couldn't walk or lie down any way. I went back, they did an incision for the second time in the same spot! It hurt so bad, and no pus came out, just me bleeding. I hadn't taken my antibiotics yet since the first visit. So I may have been at fault. But it's been hurting so bad.

Comment from: AriesWoman17, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 22

I just got over having my 2nd Bartholin cyst. My first I had was back in January 2020, same side, etc. This cyst I've had for about 5 days. For the past 3 days I had been taking warm baths and using warm compresses. I slept with a wet warm paper towel and apple cider vinegar for 2 days. Today the pain got unbearable as of 6:30 am. I took an apple cider bath and used a warm compress for swelling. Later, around 9 am, I got a warm compress and then all of a sudden the abscess, with very little pressure, ruptured.

Comment from: Pc123, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: September 10

I have had Bartholin cysts for the past 30 years. I have tried Prid, sitz baths, hot compresses and nothing seems to work for me. I tried Burt's bees wax just to get some relief from the pain but it no longer works for me. I am at my wit's end.

Comment from: Allycat , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: September 09

This is the second Bartholin cyst I have ever had and it is so painful. This one looks a little different from my first. Last night I did tea tree oil with coconut oil on a cotton ball and let it sit for 30 minutes with heat. Horrible pain all night but I woke up and it had a whitehead to it. I sat in a sitz bath and it popped, but all that came out of it was blood which did not happen the last time. Not sure what's going on. The lump is still there and it still hurts, but not nearly as bad. So discouraging.

Comment from: K, 45-54 (Patient) Published: August 21

Phoebe's cure and sitz bath (buy the toilet tray from drugstore) were effective for my Bartholin cyst. It burst on the 5th day with flannel soaked in hot water (hot compress) and heating bag pressed against it. A lot of foul smelling pus and blood came out. I am still using hot compress to get the rest out. Immediate relief, but still a little painful and tender. Keep with the treatment diligently. You can do it.

Comment from: Stacey, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 30

I am so thankful I found this thread! This is my 4th Bartholin cyst and 2nd that abscessed. I went the doctor route the 1st time because I didn't know what was going on and it got so bad. That was a special kind of torture. Avoid it if possible. I made a mix of witch hazel (without alcohol) and tea tree oil, sprayed on gauze and packed it around the peach-seed-size cyst. I let it sit for an hour and then changed it. It ruptured in the 3rd hour. Thank you!

Comment from: Mia99, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: July 28

I had a bump appear but then go down and I didn't realize it was a Bartholin cyst until it got irritated and swelled up again. I soaked in a hot tub for 2 hours every day. When I saw a whitehead thing pop up, I took a needle and put it in. It hurt but was worth it. Something like pus came out and kept coming out while I squeezed it. It looks irritated but has no swelling, so hoping it worked.

Comment from: Help2121, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 24

I just had my Bartholin abscess drained in my obstetrician/gynecologist's office today, but no catheter was put in. The cyst is still swollen, although it does not hurt to walk or sit any longer. There hasn't really been any drainage since I left the office. I tried putting pressure on the area to get more to drain out just now, but nothing happened. I am very glad the pain is gone, but wondering if anyone has had a similar experience as far as some of the swelling and the cyst feeling like it is still there.

Comment from: KS, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 24

I've had a few recurring Bartholin cysts before, but they were always painless and went away relatively quickly. A week ago, I experienced the worst one. It grew to about the size of a grape, and I couldn't sit or walk properly. Even finding a position to sleep in was a mission, and I had many sleepless nights. I decided to try a hot compress, some witch hazel and castor oil on a gauze pad, and happy to say it finally popped a day after trying this remedy. Instant relief!

Comment from: Halley, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 20

I had a Bartholin cyst that swelled to slightly smaller than a pea. I used a hot compress sprayed with witch hazel, for a few minutes. It ended up draining on its own that way (very thankful). I have a round of minocycline and I also happen to have clindamycin. I'm going to put on a couple days to avoid infection (I hope). If you found yourself here I know the pain! It's going to be ok.

Comment from: MorganaLeFae, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 15

Currently I am 24 weeks pregnant and had one of these Bartholin cysts that ended up swelling up really bad and caused pain walking, and sitting was horrible. I did two days of sitz baths with Epsom and dead sea salts and witch hazel compresses. Day 3, I mixed the sitz bath mix and witch hazel along with some apple cider vinegar and kept it warm with heating pad for an hour. After I cleaned and applied magnesium sulphate paste and covered with a pad. I changed, cleaned and reapplied after every toilet visit, and 4 hours later it had popped.

Comment from: anonymous19, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: July 15

I started getting Bartholin cyst when I was 19, after having my first kid. I then went on to get them once every couple of years. Then once a year, during my pregnancies included. I am 34 now and they now come once a month. Sometimes they are painful and other times they are not. Sometimes they grow to the size of a quarter other times the size of a pea. I do sitz bath with hot water and half a cup of table salt. Typically, they burst immediately or the next day.

Comment from: Big mama , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

I have these Bartholin abscesses almost constantly for nearly a decade. The easiest and best way to make it rupture I've found is, a hot bath in combination with Biore charcoal facial wash. Hope this helps someone.

Comment from: Divya, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 14

I had a Bartholin cyst for the last 4 years. Suddenly it became big and painful. So, I visited the doctor. She prescribed sitz bath with betadine solution, and Augmentin 625 mg morning and night. It's an antibiotic. I also take Emanzen-D morning and night; it's a pain killer, Pansec DSR in the morning for gastric issues, and Vi-bat-DS, a probiotic, morning and night. I just followed it and did the sitz bath sitting in a tub 4 or 5 times a day in water as hot as I could tolerate. Within 5 days, it burst.

Comment from: Christina , 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 10

My Bartholin cyst has been on for two weeks now, and it is the fifth one in five years. Each one has been so painful and gotten rid of by drainage in the hospital. But I am tired of surgery, as it doesn't seem to be helping. Now I am trying to use a combination of antibiotics, tea tree oil and sitz baths, instead of paying for costly surgery, and the cyst will still reoccur. The abscess is no longer painful, and it is yet to drain but I am hopeful.

Comment from: Nutley, 35-44 Female (Patient) Published: July 10

I'm almost certain I have a Bartholin cyst. The first time I noticed it was in the beginning of March. It would hurt whenever I shifted in my chair at work when I wore a tighter pair of pants. I did hot bathes and it went away. Now it has come back and seems to have a little friend. There's a very hard small pea-sized bead and a moveable fluid lump. With COVID-19… my doctor is only doing telehealth appointments. And it's so hot out in a heat wave that has gone on for 2 weeks. I don't want to sit in a tub of hot water.

Comment from: Jazzy55, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 30

I've had Bartholin cysts on and off for a couple years. I've mixed a paste with Himalayan sea salt and left it overnight and now I've added tea tree oil. I bought the tea tree oil yesterday evening and have applied it quite a number of times. The cyst drained by late this evening. I might consider surgery to remove the gland.

Comment from: Shellycassada , 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 30

I battle Bartholin cysts (BC) very frequently. I've had them lanced and drained. I've had balloons inserted and they keep coming back. Over the past 5 days I have battled a BC that grew to be larger than a golf ball and extremely painful. Read here where someone found Prid. I used it and within 2 hours it drained on its own!

Comment from: Jas , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 29

It's my 5th Bartholin cyst and I am 27 years old. It started on June 21st. It's the most depressing and scariest thing in my life. This time, it was the worst pain ever. I couldn't lie down, walk, sit or stand, plus I have a 2-month-old and 3-year-old daughters. I did sitz bath, applied tea tree oil and warm compresses. Finally on day 4, today, it ruptured itself in the morning. Doctor put me on oral antibiotics to completely clear the abscess.

Comment from: Anonymous , 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 29

Today I went to a local Urgent Care because I just couldn't take the pain anymore. The cyst started to develop about a week ago and at first it was just sore, then the pain got so bad it was hard to walk without it hurting. I've been doing sitz baths with salt and tea tree oil. On my way to Urgent Care today, it finally came to a head and they popped it some. It's still draining right now and I put Prid ointment on it with a pad. The drainage is very watery and smells bad, but the pain is gone.

Comment from: Lovebug89, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 26

I have had 6 Bartholin cysts and this time I went to my obstetrician/gynecologist and they had to stick a needle up there. It hurt so badly, to the point of my bursting out crying. They left it open to drain and when they did that I was in a great deal of pain. None of the pain medicines that were prescribed worked, and it has gotten hard again. Antibiotics weren't working, amoxicillin wasn't working, so my fiance went out and got a sitz bath. I filled it up with hot warm water, sat for 20 minutes, and it popped. Now I have a little cyst left.

Comment from: Gretchen, 45-54 (Patient) Published: June 25

I've struggled with Bartholin cysts since the age of 18, so nearly 30 years. I've done all the do-it-yourself tricks, and also had them drained, drained with drainage tubes left in for ten days and even a marsupialization, to no avail! I did some research and found a technique done in Turkey where they use a silver nitrate stick to collapse the cyst wall, after using a scalpel to make a hole in it. It's the same thing they use to burn off warts! It has the same success rate as gland removal, but much safer… it worked!

Comment from: Nikki d, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 25

I have a Bartholin cyst the size of a golf ball and it is very hard. I keep hearing people say that it will pop, but I just don't see how, because it seems to be inside, it's not on the outside of my skin. I have tried everything, sitz bath, Prid, heating pad, everything possible I've read about. I'm a single mom and went to the emergency room with my daughter and they turned me away because she was with me. I'm in so much pain.

Comment from: Ashley, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: June 23

I have had a Bartholin cyst for a while and, although, not infected I want it gone! I tried everything and nothing worked. I tried sitz baths, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, Prid drawing salve, and none of it worked. Then I decided to do a simple baking soda and water paste with a little carrot seed oil and it's finally draining. Can't say this will work for anyone else but it's working for me.

Comment from: Jones14, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 19

I have had a really small Bartholin cyst for about a year. It's been about the size of a pea, it wasn't painful but I could notice it. Tonight it felt different and was a bit painful, and when I looked at it in the mirror, it had a white head. I squeezed it out and bathed in salt water. I really hope it doesn't get infected, get worse or come back.

Comment from: legallyblonde1, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 19

I have gotten Bartholin cysts every 6-8 months for the last 6 years. I'm almost 22 years old. Nothing in the world is more depressing to me than discovering another one has developed. I've had all of mine drained at emergency rooms under local anesthesia, as nothing else works for me. I currently have one with gland removal surgery planned for next Friday. This makes me feel like I'm not alone. I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy. Hopefully you ladies find some relief.

Comment from: :), 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 18

At first my Bartholin cyst was small and painless, but I tried to pop it. The next day it grew to about the size of a quarter and I was feeling an unbearable amount of pain. I only used a warm compress for 3 days but it didn't help much. After googling home remedies, I tried soaking a gauze in witch hazel and tea tree oil, and applied it with a warm compress for 15 minutes. Then I just applied tea tree oil and Neosporin directly on it before sleeping. I woke up and it drained, I feel so much better!

Comment from: Emily, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: June 10

I had a Bartholin cyst for about 2 months, that was slowly getting bigger. Warm compresses didn't help much. I bought some witch hazel gel, supposed to be for irritated skin, applied it and about 1 minute later I felt 2 pops and it had burst. It wasn't infected, it was just clear liquid that came out. It did burn rather a lot to apply, and probably isn't medically recommended, but it worked!

Comment from: Rosesarered, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: June 04

I had a Bartholin abscess back in 2014 and it has returned. I had to go to a walk-in clinic when I felt it because the last one was unresponsive to antibiotics, sitz baths and everything else. That one was drained and I thought I was in the clear. I'm on my 5th day of antibiotics and the only thing keeping me from driving off a cliff is pain medicines. I take long sitz baths with tea tree, witch hazel and Epsom salt because that's the only comfortable place for me. I hope you all have better experiences.

Comment from: beck, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: June 04

I am 65 years old and was diagnosed with a Bartholin cyst years ago. I wasn't even aware of it at the time. In the past few years I have had these flare up and go away on their own, the last two years with no pain. Last week, I had one get very hard and excruciatingly painful. After trying hot compresses and sitz baths, it showed no improvement. I called my gynecologist and he drained it in the office. Much relief was felt. Now today, another one has occurred. It is not painful.

Comment from: Anonymous , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 29

I tried everything for my Bartholin cyst, from sitz baths multiple times a day, tree oil, heat packs, warm washes, etc. I just got a marsupialization today and it's the biggest relief of my life! I was at a pain level of 10 the past few days and new it's 1 due to the cut/stitches. Fingers crossed it doesn't come back or I'll definitely remove the whole gland.

Comment from: Gottalovebeingagirl, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 27

I just had my first Bartholin cyst which lasted about 3 weeks. It was not painful at first but did cause some irritation when I sat. I ordered a sitz bath kit which alone did not help. I used warm compresses also. It became so painful after using them that I finally went to the doctor, who said it was an abscess, but was unable to drain because it was solid. I was put on strong antibiotics. The two days following my doctor visit were agonizing and painful. It burst after soaking in the tub 4 times a day.

Comment from: Hooplah389, 25-34 (Patient) Published: May 22

I'm so happy I found this thread! I have my first Bartholin cyst and whoa, man! The first day it started developing I thought I was losing my mind. I shaved several times last week and also had intercourse multiple times so I'm not sure if I irritated the skin, and then re-irritated the skin. It started two days ago, I soaked in a bath a few times a day, and also have been putting Neosporin on it. It popped a bit today (gross smell), but it's not completely gone, so I'll keep trying. Because of COVID going to the doctor is not really an option.

Comment from: Nyan, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 20

I just had my 2nd Bartholin cyst and it's the most painful one so far. It was as big as a walnut. I couldn't sit or stand. Took 4 days for the cyst to burst. When it did, it smelled awful but I got so much relief. What I did was take a sitz bath with Epsom and pink Himalayan salt twice daily (morning and evening), apply Prid drawing salve afterwards, take extra strength ibuprofen plus Tylenol for the pain, and use a hot compress/heating pad on the area as often as possible. Hope this helps!

Comment from: yadi, 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 20

I'm currently in so much pain from a Bartholin cyst I can't hold my tears. I've been using warm baths, warm compresses, witch hazel, tea tree oil, castor oil, ibuprofen 400 mg every 4-6 hours and started Cipro 500 mg today, every 12 hours. It's my third day and the pain is getting worse and worse. Yesterday it was throbbing, today it is stinging. I had a little discharge earlier today, but it is not draining quite yet. Wondering if this is normal. I need some light at the end of the tunnel.

Comment from: Relieved!, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 19

The last abscessed Bartholin cyst I had, I didn't know what it was, I just knew I wouldn't wish this kind of pain on anyone! When it returned I was horrified and also did not want to have the draining procedure done. I found this page, and I ordered the tea tree oil, castor oil and witch hazel. While waiting I took 20 minute sitz baths with Epsom salt, and sat on heating pad. I applied the mixture 3 times, 30 minutes with heating pad, and at 1 am it ruptured. My 3 day ordeal over.

Comment from: OlderINFl, 55-64 Female (Patient) Published: May 15

I found a lump on my right side Bartholin gland on 3/15/20. I tried some home treatments I found here (thank you all) and after a few painful days it popped. Two weeks later, it filled up with no pain, and since then I've had off and on bleeding. At times it looks as though a blood clot is attached to the cyst. I have treated it this whole time. I don't want to go to the doctor due to the COVID scare.

Comment from: Delle3 , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 15

I've never had a Bartholin cyst before. It got bigger than a grape size so finally I bought the regular pharmacy brand Epsom salt. I got a 4 lb. bag just in case. I filled the bath with the hottest water I could put and put at least 5 cups of the salt. I sat in it for about 15 minutes and grabbed a little wash cloth. I put the wash cloth in really hot water and put it on the cyst. It immediately burst and didn't hurt. You will see string like blood and pus but have instant relief.

Comment from: Jamie, 65-74 Female (Patient) Published: May 06

I had reoccurring Bartholin cysts for decades. Very uncomfortable. I was just as interested in the cure as well as prevention. I tried changing my soap, taking more hot baths, hot compresses, etc., and found what worked to keep them from coming back was to change my personal wipes to those without fragrance and that are pH balanced. So think about why you are getting the cysts. Maybe it is a pH balance issue.

Comment from: JR, 45-54 Female (Patient) Published: May 05

I'm 48 with 3 kids and had a Bartholin cyst about 9 years ago. Hot compresses worked after day four and I believe I was on antibiotics. A few days ago I started to feel some pain in the same area and I could also feel a lump. It was hard to walk and I came here to figure out some home remedies. I used tea tree and witch hazel in the area a few times today. I also put tea tree oil directly on the area. It ruptured! Still a little sore but so much better. Thank you!

Comment from: Sehvynt, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: May 05

I just turned 20, two weeks ago, and I'm on Bartholin cyst 5. I got my first one shortly after turning 18 and none of the remedies have worked. I've tried everything from witch hazel, tea tree oil, castor oil, sitz baths, and whatever else they tell you to try. Every time I get them I'm in so much pain and have to go to the emergency room, where they put you in more pain. I'm scared to get the surgery because I'm so young. I need more advice.

Comment from: P. , 25-34 Female (Patient) Published: May 01

I've had a Bartholin cyst for almost 2 years. Sometimes it'd get a little bigger, but would always be a little smaller than a ping pong ball. It didn't hurt, no fevers, and no sickness; just annoyed me. It was a little uncomfortable if I sat on my heels or something. I took sitz baths, warm wash cloth with tea tree oil, witch hazel (used a face wash thing from Target). I first took a warm bath, and rubbed the cyst with a wash cloth with warm water and tea tree oil. Then with witch hazel. And then finally I put a cotton ball with witch hazel next to it for a couple hours and slept with it, and it is gone.

Comment from: Kate, 19-24 Female (Patient) Published: April 24

I just experienced my first Bartholin cyst and it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. It lasted around 7-9 days before it finally ruptured. Before that, I tried my best to squeeze it like a pimple, with no luck; it was too painful and I couldn't bear it. I started taking Epsom salt baths and soaking a cotton ball with witch hazel and tea tree oil. It finally ruptured and started to drain on its own. I had instant relief. Now it's almost gone and I couldn't be happier.

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Will Drawing Salve Work On A Cyst


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